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As a moderate relativist, you’re keen to carry out your research within the social context, focusing on people’s viewpoints and personal stories. Reducing your data Data reduction is about simplifying and transforming your raw data into something that’s going to be intelligible to anyone reading your dissertation. It’s possible that an unstructured interview wanders so widely that it’s going to be more difficult to analyse. See whether any of the following reasons ring true and if my suggestions for getting going again can help you: ✓ Your dissertation topic wasn’t really your choice – you’re doing what your supervisor/friend/mum recommended and you’re not that interested: If you’re at an early stage of your dissertation, think about changing your topic – if you don’t, the situation is only going to get worse. Don’t automatically assume that you understand how your interviewee is feeling about being interviewed. Do follow any safety tips on using the oil diffusers or burners. Rguhs Thesis Dissertation 2025.

If English isn’t the person’s first language or your respondents are elderly or have learning problems, have you made sure that the respondents know what they need to do? You don’t want to scare anyone off. You can find out more in Chapter 6, but for now, bear in mind the following simple rules: ✓ If the theory appears in a recommended academic journal or book, the idea is probably sound. It’s pos- sible you may even use a passage from the classics or biography as an illustration or example in your dissertation. Receiving email responses to your interview questions can be advantageous, because an email saves you all the extra typing. Avoiding the following pitfalls is going to help you enjoy a much smoother ride on your dissertation journey and a sure way of improving your chances of getting a good grade. Chapter 8: Generating Your Own Empirical Data 151 3. Rguhs Thesis Dissertation 2025. Contact the person you want to interview (by phone, email or letter) and after introducing yourself set out what you’re trying to achieve by doing the interview.

By the time a book reaches the bookshops or library shelves inevitably some of the information in the book may well be out of date or being challenged by newer ideas that you can find published in journals. Rguhs Thesis Dissertation 2025. Don’t have one meeting and then drop off the radar. co. But you do need to make sure that the case study you’re doing allows you to link your findings to the wider world. I make comments and where appropriate reframe the stu- dent’s original research question making doing the research feasi- ble. More practical research studies in social science are usually about exploring issues through surveys, action research, observations, case-studies or a review of existing studies. Being concise helps you later on when you’re scanning through your notes and picking out what you need for your writing. For example, there may be partic-Part II: Getting Set Up for Your Dissertation 44 ular rules about word length, the fonts you have to use or whether the acknowledgements come before or after your abstract. ❑ Any models or tables confined to one page only (prefer a foldout A3 page to spreading over two A4 pages). Shy away from grand claims, but also try not to completely dismiss your work before you’ve started. Now is the time for collecting together and examining the literature in your field of study; information from far and wide – as well as on your doorstep.

If you’ve been seeing your supervisor regularly and acted on the suggestions I give in this book, you can’t go wrong when writing your dissertation. As a theory develops, there are inevitably detractors who criticise and adapt the original ideas, maybe ultimately reducing the worth of the initial key theory. It seems like a small aspect of your work but makes all the difference between getting on with it and becoming really distracted and using a vain search for a pencil sharpener as a reason to give up work for the day. You need to consider the consequences of embracing the idea. That’s not to say that scholars are nervous about expressing their views, on the contrary this is what they tend to enjoy. Most of us tend to slip into bad habits from time to time, which is not generally a huge problem. Rguhs Thesis Dissertation 2025. Keep an eye on your productivity.

Here are the main dif- ferences between the two terms together with a brief description of each term: ✓ Qualitative data – usually takes the form of words, pictures and objects, and the data can be subjective because the researcher is personally involved in collecting rich data. Distinguishing between summaries and commentaries When you’re note-taking, you need to be able to distinguish between the facts that are presented to you (summaries) and your own views and opinions (commentaries). Chapter 16: Organising Your Work Habits 279 It’s easy to lose sight of the overall project if you focus too much on the components. Rguhs Thesis Dissertation 2025.

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Working on the Main Text Most of your dissertation will be paragraphs of writing that must be readable. You may be thinking you need to conduct an interview or questionnaire and this chapter helps you decide if you do or you don’t. In Chapter 2, I explain something of the different stances you can adopt. 5) as required. The most common formula for doing this (called a five-level Likert scale) includes a ‘don’t know’ option allowing respondents to take a neutral position. If you carry out a case study, you’re making a close examination of a subject or institution and to do this you have to use one or more of the meth- ods in the list.

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